Astha, originally from Khatmandu, relocated to the UK to study in 2022. Having moved into an empty flat with just a suitcase of stuff, when she stumbled across Olio whilst reading a Student Beans article on money saving tips for groceries, it couldn’t have been more perfect timing.
Intrigued by the article featuring a student who spent only £5 a month on groceries, I downloaded Olio for its money-saving potential. However, it was the treasures I discovered in the non-food section of the app that made Olio such an integral part of my life. Olio had everything from books to bowls, plants to plates, tables to tupperwares — exactly the things one needs to source when moving to a new city like I just had. My first Olio request was a rug; and with it, my Olio odyssey began.

Aside from the everyday items Astha was searching for, she went on to collect a blender, a food processor, seven pristine blue bowls, and two small white plates from a neighbour who was having a kitchen clearout. Then came the electric mattress topper shared by Jay, a much needed companion for the cold London winters. Another neighbour shared a clothing rail which helped with the limited storage space in Astha’s student room and a jewellery stand – a childhood dream of Astha’s.
These items would have never made it into my shopping list, but Olio made them accessible. These weren’t must-haves but made my budget-friendly student life a bit comfortable.

Fast forward 470 days from when Astha first downloaded the app and 67 collected items later, she was preparing to relocate cities and it was time to bid farewell to some of her cherished Olio treasures — marking the beginning of a new Olio journey.
Passing on some of these treasures to other Olio users was surprisingly more liberating than anticipated. Listing the chest of drawers I had received from another Olio user and seeing three people interested in taking it, the journey with Olio felt like a circle.

Astha now volunteers as a Food Waste Hero, rescuing unsold food from local businesses and sharing it for free with people in her local community.
Recently, I signed up to be an Olio Ambassador as well, even if I have already been the biggest advocate of Olio without any official titles. All of my friends use Olio and I’m excited to show my new Olio treasures whenever we meet, earning me the title “Olio Queen” – one I wear with pride! It’s funny how it all began with a chance encounter with the Student Beans email newsletter a couple of years ago!
What do you love the most about Olio?
Olio offers a simple solution for sharing by simply connecting communities. Let’s take my family in Kathmandu for example. Here, sharing hand-me-down clothes among siblings and cousins is common, yet avenues to share pre-loved items beyond close family are limited. Olio provides a unique platform to bridge this gap by facilitating the exchange of these items, helping us embed the circular economy in everyday life.